Logodesign KAS8
All in 2024
Jumping right into 2024. I am honored to have been given the opportunity to design the official poster for Alain Johannes´ Italy tour coming up in april. Great music, great line-up...i am really looking forward to this. The drawing is based on a photo i took back in 2022 during a short visit in Stockholm at Skogskyrkogarden cemetery, a truly beautiful place. Check it out below.
EOM 25
Back on the typo-board
I´m stocked to share with you the first fruit of a new collaboration with DNA Merch.
I strongly recommend to check out their portfolio and their overall philosophy regarding production processes, sustainability and attitude.
Furthermore, this line of designs is a collab between DNA Merch and workingclasshistory.com (i strongly recommend to visit their sites, too).
Here´s some info about this project in their own words: History is not made by the actions of a few rich and powerful individuals, like so much of the history we learn in school. History is made by the combined everyday actions of hundreds of millions of us: women, men, youth, people of colour, migrants, Indigenous people, LGBT+ people, disabled people, workers, older people, the unemployed, housewives – the working class.
This project is dedicated to all those who have struggled in the past for a better world, and who continue to do so now. To help record and popularise our grassroots, people’s history, as opposed to the top-down accounts of most history books.
"True Growth" february-exclusive design: https://dnamerch.de/shop
get a discount on this editon with code "al20xx"
Here comes the long due fifth design of the "Dead Heroes"-series. Chris Cornell to me was one of the most inspired singers, lyricists and icons of the 90s grunge and independent scene, and his passing had a profound impact on me. I hope with this interpretation of Mr. Cornell i can pay tribute to this inspiring person and artist. Greetings to all his fans under the steel rain, C